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Vacant Buildings and
Vacant Storefronts

Vacant Buildings Process Questions (FAQs)

For the General Public
For Owners of Vacant Buildings
For Owners of Buildings with a Vacant Storefront
For Mortgagees and Mortgage Servicers

For the General Public

What can I do to help address the problem of vacant buildings and vacant storefronts in Chicago?

  • Call 3-1-1 or visit the 3-1-1 website to report a problematic vacant building or occupied building with a vacant storefront.
  • Check this website for information about buildings with code violations.
  • Attend a hearing. Contact your block club or call the CAPS implementation office at (312) 745-5900 to find out about the court advocacy program.
  • Join a block club or start one by calling the CAPS implementation office at (312) 745-5900.
  • Attend a police beat meeting. For more information on beat meetings, contact the Chicago Police Department, Office of Community Policing.
  • Contact your alderman for more information about programs and initiatives in your neighborhood. To find contact information for your alderman, click here.

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How do I find information about vacant buildings in my neighborhood?

Use the "Search Buildings By" function on this website to find information about buildings with code violations. You can search by address, police district, neighborhood/community area or ward. No account is required to search.

Having an account allows you to receive email updates about properties that you add to “My Watch List.”

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How do I report a vacant building?

Call 3-1-1 or visit the 3-1-1 website to report a problematic vacant building or occupied building with a vacant storefront. If unauthorized people are entering the building, call 3-1-1 (do not use the website) to file a miscellaneous police report.

If unauthorized people are entering the building, call 3-1-1 (do not use the website) to file a miscellaneous police report.

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What happens after I call 3-1-1?

Your inquiry will be forwarded to the Department of Buildings. A building inspector will be sent out to investigate the concerns and confirm that the building is vacant and/or dangerous.

If the inspector finds the building is in violation of the Municipal Code, the City will bring an enforcement action against the owner(s) and other responsible parties in the Department of Administrative Hearings or the Cook County Circuit Court. If the responsible owner(s) and or mortgagee(s) do not take necessary action to eliminate the violations, the City may seek significant fines and/or obtain authority to board-up or demolish the building.

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Who owns these vacant buildings?

Unofficial ownership information is provided for most of the properties included on this website under “Contacts.” You can research official ownership information at the Cook County Clerk's Office, 118 N. Clark St.

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For Owners of Vacant Buildings

Is my building a “vacant building”?

For a single-family home or residential building with less than 10 units, if no one is legally living at the building, and no one who has lived at the building in the past intends to return to live at the building in the next six months, the building is vacant and must be registered within 30 days.

For a residential building with 10 or more units, if 90% or more of the units are unoccupied the building is a vacant building and must be registered within 30 days.

For a non-residential building, if substantially all lawful business operations have ceased the building is a vacant building and must be registered within 30 days. The presence of a guard or watchman does not mean a building is occupied.

For a construction site, if permitted construction operations have stopped, the construction site must be registered as a vacant building within 30 days. The presence of a guard or watchman does not mean a building is occupied. If a building is vacant due to a fire or other damage, the building is vacant and must be registered. You do not need to register a damaged building if you have an active application for a building permit to repair the damage or you have an active building permit to perform the repairs.

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I own a vacant building. What am I required to do?

If you own a vacant building in the City of Chicago, you are required to:

  • Secure all openings to prevent unlawful entry.
  • Insure the property.
  • Register the vacant building at Payment of a registration fee ($30-100) is required at the time of registration. The fee will be higher if the City has found your property to be in violation of the vacant building requirements before you register. The website accepts payment using a credit card or checking account.
  • Post a sign in a prominent location on the building, visible from the nearest street, that includes the name, street address (not a P.O. Box), and phone number of the current owner(s) or owner’s agent, and the vacant building registration number assigned to the building during the registration process.
  • Maintain the property and visit regularly to make sure the property is clean and secure.
  • Renew the registration every six months. An additional $30 fee will be required when you renew.
  • Deregister the building if the building is reoccupied or demolished or if you sell the property. You must deregister within 20 days of the qualifying event. If you fail to deregister as required, you may be liable for additional fees or penalties.

If the building is in poor condition, or you are unable to secure it, it may be more cost effective for you to demolish the building. Demolition requires a permit (obtained from the Department of Buildings), and must be done by a City-licensed general contractor. A vacant lot still must be kept clean and free of high weeds but does not need to be registered.

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My building is in foreclosure. Do I still own it?

Yes. A foreclosure lawsuit does not automatically end your ownership of a building. Your ownership does not end until a judge signs an “Order Approving Sale”—this usually will be six-months to several years after the foreclosure lawsuit began. Until the judge signs an “Order Approving Sale” and a “Judicial Sales Deed” is recorded with the Cook County Clerk you remain responsible for registering and maintaining the building.

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I filed bankruptcy. Am I still responsible for my building?

Yes. A bankruptcy proceeding does not transfer ownership of your property or relieve you of responsibility under the ordinance. If a foreclosure proceeding was pending when you filed bankruptcy, it may continue once the bankruptcy is complete. In order to transfer ownership of property, a deed must be executed and recorded with the Cook County Clerk.

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Why is my initial registration fee $100?

The initial owner registration fee is $30 if registration is voluntary and timely. If an owner registers after the City has cited the property for a violation of the vacant building requirements, the initial fee is $100.

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Am I required to designate an authorized agent?

If you are a natural person and do not register using an address in Cook County, Illinois, where you live or maintain an office, you must designate another person who lives or maintains an office in Cook County as your authorized agent. By designating an authorized agent, you agree that the City can provide notice to you through that person of any violations or legal or administrative proceedings. If there is a dangerous situation at the property, the City may contact your authorized agent instead of contacting you.

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I am no longer the owner of a vacant building. Why am I receiving email alerts about the building?

You are still receiving email alerts because you have not deregistered your building. If the building is demolished, reoccupied, or sold, it must be deregistered within 20 days. You must deregister the property if you lose the property through a foreclosure, but only after the judge signs an “Order Approving Sale.”

You can deregister your property through this website when logged in to your account. Once the property is deregistered, you will stop receiving alerts about City services to the property. Failure to deregister as required may result in additional fees or penalties.

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Can I be criminally liable if someone is injured at my vacant building?

Yes. If a person is seriously injured or dies in a vacant building you own because you failed to keep the building secure as required or failed correct a dangerous building code violation, you may be charged with a crime, and if convicted, face up to 6 months in jail. (Municipal Code of Chicago, Section 14A-3-314.)

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For Owners of Buildings with a Vacant Storefront

What qualifies as a “vacant storefront”?

The ordinance defines a “storefront” as “an area within a building that is or would be suitable for occupancy for a non-accessory, nonresidential use, assuming that any [building code violations] are fully remedied, and that can be accessed directly from an outdoor space that is open to the public, such as a street, alley, sidewalk, path, or parking area.” This includes both spaces that could be used for businesses, but also spaces last used for non-business purposes, such as a storefront church or a library. This definition excludes spaces that can only be reached from inside the building (spaces that do not have a door directly to the outside).

A storefront is “vacant” if: (1) the storefront is “lacking the habitual presence of human beings who have a legal right to be” there, or (2) “substantially all lawful business or construction operations or occupancy [in the storefront] has ceased,” or (3) the storefront “is substantially devoid of contents,” or (4) the storefront “has been declared unfit for occupancy” and must remain unoccupied by order of a city inspector or judge.

A storefront in an occupied building is not vacant if: (1) the space has active utility services ( at least electricity and heat), (2) the space is actively being marketed for rent or sale, and (3) there is a “for rent” or “for sale” sign that includes valid phone and email contact information displayed in a place that can be read by a person standing on a public sidewalk.

A storefront in an occupied building is also not vacant if there is an active application for a building permit to remodel the building, or there is an active issued building permit for work in the building.

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I own a building with a vacant storefront. What am I required to do?

If you own an occupied building with one or more vacant storefront in the City of Chicago, you are required to:

  • Secure all openings to prevent unlawful entry to the vacant storefront.
  • Insure the building with a policy that provides at least $1 million commercial general liability coverage per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage.
  • Register the building at Payment of a registration fee ($100-250) is required at the time of registration. The fee will be higher if the City has found your property to be in violation of the vacant storefront requirements before you register. The website accepts payment using a credit card or checking account.
  • Post a sign in a prominent location on the building, visible from the nearest street, that includes the name, street address (not a P.O. Box), and phone number of the current owner(s) or owner’s agent, and the registration number assigned to the building during the registration process.
  • Maintain the entire property and check regularly to make sure the vacant storefront is clean and secure. You must also cover up or remove signage for businesses that are no longer operating at the property.
  • Renew the registration every six months. An additional $100 fee will be required when you renew.
  • Deregister the building if the storefront is reoccupied or if you sell the property. You must deregister within 20 days of the qualifying event. If you fail to deregister as required, you may be liable for additional fees or penalties.

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I own a building with several vacant storefronts. Do I need to register multiple times?

No. A single registration is required for the building, whether there is one or more than one vacant storefront in the building.

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Why is my initial registration fee $250?

The initial owner registration fee is $100 if registration is voluntary and timely. If an owner registers after the City has cited the property for a violation of the vacant storefront requirements, the initial fee is $250.

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What do I do if the storefront is no longer vacant, or I no longer own the building?

If the storefront is no longer vacant or you are no longer the owner of the building, you must “deregister” within 20 days.

You can deregister your property through this website when logged in to your account. Once the property is deregistered, you will stop receiving alerts about City services to the property. Failure to deregister as required may result in additional fees or penalties.

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Can I be criminally liable if someone is injured at my vacant storefront?

Yes. If a person is seriously injured or dies in a vacant storefront you own because you failed to keep the storefront secure as required or failed correct a dangerous building code violation, you may be charged with a crime, and if convicted, face up to 6 months in jail. (Municipal Code of Chicago, Section 14A-3-314.)

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For Mortgagees and Mortgage Servicers

Where can I get a copy of the ordinance requirements for mortgagees?

The requirements applicable to mortgagees are found in 14X-12-1205 of the Municipal Code of Chicago.

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When did the requirements for mortgagees go into effect?

The current requirements became effective November 19, 2011 with respect to residential buildings and July 1, 2018 with respect to non-residential buildings.

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Do the mortgagee requirements apply to all types of buildings?

Yes. Since July 1, 2018, the mortgagee requirements apply to all types of vacant buildings (both residential and non-residential).

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How do I know if a building is vacant?

Beginning when a mortgage has been in default for 45 days, a mortgagee must determine on a monthly basis if the building(s) on the mortgaged property is/are occupied or vacant. This determination may be made by communication with the borrower or a visual inspection of the property. The exact definition of “vacant” under the mortgagee requirements is found in Section 14X-2-202 of the Municipal Code of Chicago.

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Is a vacant condominium unit subject to the registration requirement?

No. Vacant condominium units are not subject to the mortgagee requirements unless the mortgage is on the entire building (such as a construction loan) and the entire building is vacant.

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Is a mortgagee required to designate an authorized agent?

If a mortgagee does not maintain an office in Cook County, Illinois, and provide this Cook County address at the time of registration, it must designate either a natural person or a business registered with the Illinois Secretary of State having an office or residence in Cook County as its authorized agent for the purpose of receiving notices and legal process.

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When must a mortgagee deregister?

A mortgagee must deregister no more than 20 days after the loan is assigned (unless the servicer will remain the same), a mortgage release is recorded, the building is demolished, or the building is reoccupied. If a mortgagee takes title to the property pursuant to a judicial sale (REO), it must deregister as mortgagee within 20 days and create a new owner registration within 30 days. All requirements applicable to owners apply to the titleholder following approval of a judicial sale. Failure to deregister as required may result in additional fees or penalties.

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How does a mortgagee assert one of the defenses under the ordinance?

If a mortgagee is cited for a violation of the mortgagee registration and maintenance requirements, but can assert one of the affirmative defenses listed in the ordinance, the mortgagee must appear in the proceeding and present evidence supporting its defense to the city attorney, hearing officer, or judge. Failure to appear in a proceeding may result in a default fine or judgment.

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